Coachee meets coach
Let's talk!
In his prime for the upgrade of your life
Individual coaching by BRAINFOODMOVES – the specialists for your menopause
I am the right coach for you if...
you have already tried all kinds of coaching and still haven't reached your goal,
you want to be surprised by how the current trouble spots resolve and you feel completely comfortable in your life.
You want to discover how powerful personal development not only impacts all areas of life, but also literally revolutionizes your relationships.
Ich bin der richtige Coach für dich, wenn …
du schon alle möglichen Coachings ausprobiert hast und immer noch nicht am Ziel bist,
du dich davon überraschen lassen willst, wie sich die aktuellen Krisenherde auflösen und du dich rundum wohl fühlst in deinem Leben.
du entdecken willst, wie kraftvoll persönliche Entwicklung nicht nur in alle Lebensbereiche hineinwirken, sondern deine Beziehungen buchstäblich revolutionieren.
Individual coaching process
Do you feel like you no longer fit into your current living conditions?
Everything in you is pushing for change and you are looking for it
your new work-life balance?
Then let’s get started on your holistic clarification process!
For this purpose, I have developed this intensive individual coaching process, in which I support you flexibly in clarifying acute questions, finding new perspectives in order to develop concrete change strategies with you.
Why my clients chose me
1. Individual and personal support
I put you and your individual topic at the center of my work. No two coaching sessions are the same. Every process is very close to your needs and goals. The exercises and homework are always individually and personally tailored to support you in your next step.
2. Quick and concrete recording of your Situation
Thanks to my decades of experience with my clients, but also "as a woman in transition", I can quickly understand the challenges of menopause in order to work with you to develop targeted steps that will lead you to your individual solution.
3. Consideration of all areas of life
In my coaching you always get an integrative perspective. I accompany you with a holistic view in clarifying acute questions, finding new perspectives, recognizing unconscious blockages at deeper levels and developing concrete change strategies with me.
I see my work as solution-oriented, effective support in which I keep an eye on deeper causes and bring them into focus.
4. Authentic experience
My competence is not only based on my experience as a coach and the work with my clients, my lived experience and my own further development form my foundation, which always allows me to be personally experienced in my work.
15 min
The 8-week process includes, among other things, the following content:
BRAINFOODMOVES programs always include - in order to meet our holistic standards - all three vital pillars - BRAIN - FOOD - MOVES:
The detailed program:
personal orientation meeting at the starting point
8thholistic coaching units MEAT&EAT
6 units of yoga pelvic floor
8 units of Qi Gong in combination with “MBSR”
final conversationch
The movement units take place either online or in our studio.
MEAT&EAT coaching units, which also include cooking units,
take place in the comfort of your own home in your own kitchen.
Your process begins immediately after booking with a tried and tested clarification questionnaire that helps both of us
to get into coaching straight away.

The individualual coaching offer
For your holistic 8-week transformation process based on the holistic program according to BRAINFOODMOVES!
8 coaching units MEET&EAT
16 movement units: Qi Gong, MBSR mindfulness training, yoga, pelvic floor training
(Private lessons or own course for our clients)
NinXia party with your friends...
and much more:
... Cooking with hormones ... Serotonin food ... 5-element cooking according to traditional Chinese medicine ... Nutritional advice according to TEM, based on an individual anamnesis ... Intermittent fasting ... Hatha hormone yoga ... Pelvic floor training ... K-taping ... Hypnosis ... Low- Level laser therapy… natural hormone therapy… Qi Gong - MBSR mindfulness training… (cooking with) essential oil(s)… Oil infused cocktails… Making essential spice oil and spice salt mixtures… Beautrituale… Neurogymnastics… Meditation… Swimming… Breathwork... NingXia Red party for and with your friends... Stromwerk... Laughter... and it gets more every day...
With BRAINFOODMOVES you choose yourse personal metamorphosis.
Price of Euro 2,650,-
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